It is the formal recognition by the Commission for TVET that the capacity of the training provider to offer defined programs of learning has been found to meet required standards and are of good quality.
- For recognition to provide a service in relation to competency-based training on the National TVET Qualification Framework
- To regulate the activities of all TVET providers to ensure quality, demand-driven and credible services for the development of globally competitive skilled workforce.
- To create and maintain a database on all TVET stakeholders in the country for effective planning, policy coordination and channeling of support.
- Training Provider (Public, Private, NGOs, Faith-Based Organizations, Workplace): A Centre/Institution/Workplace with the requisite setups where the Commission for TVET has given an approval for the delivery of a competency-based training programme(s).
- Facilitators/Trainers: These personnel facilitate learners to achieve the set standards of a unit(s) i.e. the knowledge, skills and attitudes in the competency-based training curriculum.
- Assessors: A person designated by the learning environment with the responsibility to gather evidence of learners’ competence, judge it in accordance with defined standards and records the learner’s achievement
- Internal Verifier: A person with the responsibility to ensure that assessment judgments are applied uniformly and consistently by all assessors in the learning environment
- External Verifiers: A person appointed by the awarding body to visit learning environments to ensure that standards for assessment and quality assurance are being maintained
- Awarding Bodies: A body with authority to award qualification to competency-based trained learners on the National TVET Qualification Framework.
Applicant has the benefit of:
- Associating with the Commission as an accredited Centre
- Using the competency-based training curriculum developed by the Commission
- Certifying the learners/trainees on the National TVET Qualification Framework
- Enjoying any projects by the Commission
- Sending learners/trainees to industries for work place experience learning as the Commission has accredited Institute
- Applicant must first apply to the Commission.
- Applicant must have a centre which has required modern tools and equipment for the trade area the institution is seeking accreditation for.
- Applicants must have the required and qualified facilitators.
- Applicant must have the following policy documents: health and safety, strategic plan, admission policy and governance regulation.
- Applicant must have all the legal framework ie CTVET registration letter, company registration, SSNIT clearance certificate, tax clearance, Tenancy agreement not less 4yrs if the property is not owned personally.
- Applicant must have a working and active governing board and management team.
- The process begins with the registration of TVET entities.
- Applicants apply for accreditation and it is received and recorded by CTVET.
- CTVET checks all attachments for completeness and informs applicants through phones or emails.
- Applicants makes bank draft payment into CTVET accounts and receipts issued.
- CTVET informs applicants about the length of time (90 days) to process application through an official letter.
- CTVET checks application document for required information.
- Fully compliant (proceed to the next step)
- If partial or non-compliance due to missing document, inform Applicant through official letter by the Director General and copy to TQAC chairperson.
- Evaluation team conducts on-sight inspection using CTVET approved checklist.
- Evaluation team submits reports to TQAC for accreditation decision before TQAC recommends its decision to the board for ratification or approval.
- CTVET communicates Board’s decision to Applicants, whether denial or full accreditation.
- If applicant is successful and is approved, accreditation certificate is issued. If not, a letter of conditional accreditation is issued.